“When Things Are Going Smoothly, You Are Likely to Slip” – Ho Sen Last night I heard the sound...
Tag Archive for: Thirty Thousand Days
Make Each Encounter Your Final Encounter (and be happy to be wrong)
Gregg Krech, , Gratitude, Kindness, Mental Wellness, Relationships, ToDo Institute, japan compassion, Kindness, Relationships, Thirty Thousand Days, 3I just returned from spending three days with my 87 year old mother in Chicago. She is dying of...
Take the Next Step
Gregg Krech, , Acceptance, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, joy, Mental Wellness, Thirty Thousand Days, 0Too often we approach life as if it were a chess game. Our first mistake is assuming life is...
The Gains and Losses of Getting Older
Gregg Krech, , Acceptance, Gratitude, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, Acceptance, Aging, gratitude, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, Thirty Thousand Days, 0Several of my friends have found themselves in the role of caregivers for husbands who are struggling with memory...
Be Inspired! Table of Contents for Thirty Thousand Days – Spring, 2015
Gregg Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Gratitude, Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Relationships, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, mental health, Mental Wellness, Purpose, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, 0Thirty Thousand Days: A Journal for Purposeful Living: Spring 2015 Table of Contents with Quotes You Are Not Drowning...
A Passion for Giving: Zell Kravinsky
Linda Anderson Krech, , Kindness, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, japan compassion, Kindness, Making a Difference, Thirty Thousand Days, video, 0Most of us aspire to be generous. We write tax-deductible checks at the end of the year. We volunteer...
Procrastination Disguised as Busyness
Linda Anderson Krech, , Acceptance, Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Acceptance, Attention, Getting Things Done, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, Procrastination, Purpose, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, 0The meditation teacher Eknath Easwaren talks about how people have energy only when it comes to things they like...
The Power of Turning Inward
Linda Anderson Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Gratitude, Kindness, Mental Wellness, Relationships, ToDo Institute, Attention, gratitude, Kindness, Mental Wellness, naikan, Relationships, Thirty Thousand Days, 0Where do we turn for answers when we are faced with daunting questions? Who do we consult with when...