There’s a story about a young man who is hitchhiking to San Diego. He is standing alongside an entrance...
We Begin Again
The Parable A senior monk and a young monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to...
Rethinking Goals and Resolutions for the New Year
by Trudy Boyle Last New Year’s Eve, my spouse asked me what I wanted to get done in 2004....
Who’s Walking Who
You’re on one end of the leash. You’re feelings are on the other end. Who’s walking who? Many of...
How Do You Make Toast?
We all struggle with tricky, sticky problems from time to time. Often we just play around with these problems...
Take the Next Step
Too often we approach life as if it were a chess game. Our first mistake is assuming life is...
Decision Fatigue
My grandmother was a very busy, focused and productive woman. The three delicious meals she prepared every day for...
Be Inspired! Table of Contents for Thirty Thousand Days – Spring, 2015
Thirty Thousand Days: A Journal for Purposeful Living: Spring 2015 Table of Contents with Quotes You Are Not Drowning...