Solving the Food Koan | June 1-30, 2022


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Solving the Food Koan
with Linda Anderson Krech

 June  1-30, 2022

If you want to develop a more purposeful way of eating, one that supports your health in a more vibrant and satisfying way, we’d love to have you join us.
During the month you will:
  • STUDY material that will inspire, inform and empower you to make purposeful food choices that support your health and wellbeing.
  • EXPERIMENT with your eating habits, using the principles of Japanese Psychology, one bite at a time.
  • CONNECT with others from around the world as we share successes, struggles, recipes, songs, and our love of food with each other

Food is very near and dear to our hearts, isn’t it? We are often very attached to the foods we love, even if those foods are taking a toll on our health and wellbeing. So let’s join forces and support each other as we develop a more purposeful way of eating. The principles of Japanese Psychology will provide a profoundly helpful framework for this process.

We will also learn about our bodies’ design and function  and about the impact that our food choices have on our own health, and on the health of the planet.  We’ll learn how to experience greater satisfaction from our experience of eating and how to develop greater awareness of the impact of our choices.

Whether you are trying to lose weight, become more healthy, or just expand your awareness, we’d love to have you join us fo

The program will be conducted by Linda Anderson Krech, with assistance from Dr. Stephanie Beling.

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Member Status

Member, Non-member

Alumni Status

Alumni, Standard


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