I have 5,163 days left to live. More or less. I’m writing this on my birthday. I’ve completed 68...
A Father’s Day Thank You: Love Lives in the Specifics
Gregg Krech, , Gratitude, Holidays, Relationships, ToDo Institute, 0A Father’s Day Thank You: Love Lives in the Specifics by Aaron Orendorff Fourteen years ago, I read an...
Highlighting a Year That Hasn’t Happened Yet
Gregg Krech, , Holidays, New Year's, Relationships, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, family, new year, Purpose, 0We have always spent time reflecting on the highlights, joys and sorrows of the departing year, before launching into...
It’s About the Experience, Not the Stuff
Gregg Krech, , Holidays, ToDo Institute, gratitude, holidays, Mental Wellness, Relationships, 0Gift-giving is a great tradition that is wrapped in mystery and generates excitement. If you celebrate the holiday with...
I Want to Be Remembered for This
Trudy Boyle, , Gratitude, Health, Holidays, Kindness, Relationships, 1I Want to be Remembered for This by Trudy Boyle Four years ago, when I was baking special...
Resolutions Cannot Take the Place of Practice
Gregg Krech, , Holidays, Mental Wellness, New Year's, ToDo Institute, Acceptance, Action, Getting Things Done, Mindfulness, new year, 0It may not come as a surprise to hear that New Year’s resolutions don’t work – at least for...
A Win/Win Holiday Season
Ken Potts, , Attention/Mindfulness, Holidays, Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, ToDo Institute, holidays, Kindness, Making a Difference, Mental Wellness, 0It seems to me that people tend to display two extremes of behavior about this time of year. A...
My Days Are Numbered
Gregg Krech, , Gratitude, Holidays, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, birthday, gratitude, Purpose, 0I have 6,624 days left to live. More or less. Today is my birthday. I’ve completed 64 years since...