I have 6,624 days left to live. More or less. Today is my birthday. I’ve completed 64 years since...
Archive for category: Mental Wellness
Study Finds That Psychiatric Diagnoses Are Scientifically Meaningless
Gregg Krech, , Anxiety, Depression, Mental Wellness, mental health, Psychiatry, Research, 0The study, led by researchers at the University of Liverpool, concluded that psychiatric diagnoses are “scientifically meaningless,” and worthless...
Living Fully with Illness: Mind/Body Medicine in Japan
Gregg Krech, , Health, Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Living Fully with Illness, Meaningful Life Therapy, Morita Therapy, 0Meaningful Life Therapy from Japan provides lessons for how we can live meaningfully even when we are ill. by...
We Know What We Need to Do and We’re Not Doing It
Gregg Krech, , Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Taking Action, Kaizen, Morita Therapy, Procrastination, Taking Action, 0Don’t try to think yourself into taking action. Don’t wait until you’re feeling better. The term used in Zimbabwe...
Without This, Your Life is in Jeopardy
Gregg Krech, , Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, ToDo Institute, Aging, Health, Morita Therapy, Purpose, 2Here’s Your Jeopardy Question: The category is: Life & Death Here’s your Jeopardy question: “I’ll take Life & Death...
You’re starting with nothing. You sit down to write an essay (or novel) facing a blank screen. You sit...
Are You Suffering from Kufungisisa?
Gregg Krech, , Anxiety, Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Taking Action, anxiety, mental health, Mindfulness, Morita Therapy, 0In our recent issue of Thirty Thousand Days: A Journal for Purposeful Living, we have an article on an...
Commitment Is Not About Time — There’s Something More Important
Gregg Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Relationships, Attention, mental health, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, 0Eugene O’Kelly, at the age of 53, was on top of the world. He was the CEO of a...