It’s so easy to get off on a negative track, isn’t it? Our thoughts can gather momentum quite easily....
Author Archive for: Linda
In a different kind of world, we might not need to learn how to be so efficient, productive and...
This is a touching story that grew out of monumental tragedy. It is riddled with sadness. Why would we...
I Believe in Breathing
Linda Anderson Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, Attention, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, 1I believe in breathing. I know, I know, it’s a pretty controversial thing to say, but I can’t help...
We all know how soothing music can be. The right music can make all the difference when our nerves...
A small tweak can create a big shift
Linda Anderson Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Gratitude, Mental Wellness, Relationships, ToDo Institute, Attention, Mental Wellness, Relationships, 0A small tweak can create a big shift. It’s hard to remember this when dealing with a problem that...
We all have a natural default, a way of being that arises naturally for us when we are not...
Attention: Our Paths Are Lined with Blessings
Linda Anderson Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Gratitude, Mental Wellness, Relationships, Attention, gratitude, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, Relationships, 0When relationships are new, everything seems possible. The terrain that you cover together seems lush, inviting and easy to...