As we age we try to find strategies to make life easier. IPhones, GPS, Remote controllers, and Calculators are just a few examples of technologies that make life easier for our minds and bodies. But when we make life easier for our mind, we accelerate the decay of our cognitive skills. The best way to keep our brains sharp (and our bodies) is with exercise and challenge. Instead of looking to make things easier on yourself, look for something that challenges your mind and body.
Tags: Exercise mental health Mental Wellness Neuroscience-
Gregg Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
EIGHT TIMES UP by Gregg Krech There is a wise Japanese maxim that says “Seven Times Down, Eight Times...
What To Give Up
Linda Anderson Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
by Trudy Boyle A year or so ago I was visiting friends with two young children and was struck...
Arugamama: The Challenge of Acceptance
Gregg Krech, , ToDo Institute, All Members, 0
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A Guide for Reflecting on the Past Year
Gregg Krech, , Gratitude, Holidays, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, 0
The beginning of the New Year is seen as a transition for many of us. It’s a time to...
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Linda Anderson Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
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Love Your Enemies by Examining Your Own Conduct (Instead of Theirs)
Gregg Krech, , Gratitude, Kindness, Relationships, ToDo Institute, japan compassion, Kindness, naikan, Relationships, video, 0
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Linda Anderson Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
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Linda Anderson Krech, , Kaizen, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Health, Kaizen, Taking Action, 6
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