Searching for Strength in All the Wrong Places
Gregg Krech, , Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, Crisis, Mental Wellness, resilience, 0
Searching for Strength in All the Wrong Places by Gregg Krech If you were training for a major event...
Haiku Tuesday
Gregg Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, 0
The other day we had a lovely summer gathering at one of my favorite places in Vermont: Kingsland Bay...
Now is the Time
Trudy Boyle, , ToDo Institute, 0
“Do you live as though you have all the time in the world? Having all the time in the...
One Now or Two Later?
Linda Anderson Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
Most of us want immediate gratification. Two thirds of us, in fact. About two thirds of the population is...
A Scroll was Found Between Two Hearts
Linda Anderson Krech, , ToDo Institute, depression, 0
A Scroll was Found Between Two Hearts by Romie Georgia My mother was 96 years old when she died...
Make Yourself at Home in the Unknown
Gregg Krech, , Acceptance, Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Acceptance, Action, Mental Wellness, Thirty Thousand Days, 6
Make Yourself at Home in the Unknown Dzigar Kongtrul We are most at home in our own home. We...
Do You Need More Time?
Gregg Krech, , ToDo Institute, Action, Getting Things Done, gratitude, Purpose, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, 0
DO YOU NEED MORE TIME? by Gregg Krech How many of us have sat back in a chair, thought...
Sing While There is Voice Left
Trudy Boyle, , Kindness, Life Not on Hold, Mental Wellness, Relationships, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, Aging, Health, Making a Difference, Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Purpose, Relationships, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, 0
Sing While There is Voice Left by Trudy Boyle I read a book, as a young 20 year old...
Thirty Thousand Days
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