We’re about midway through our Taking Action course. People pick a project that is unfinished or unstarted and then...
Deciding Is Not Doing
Have you ever been in a quandary and, after considering different options and possibilities, you finally decided what you...
It’s so easy to get off on a negative track, isn’t it? Our thoughts can gather momentum quite easily....
The Power of Seeing (Video)
This is an extraordinary video of people’s eyes. Sometimes we have contact with people for years and never actually...
In a different kind of world, we might not need to learn how to be so efficient, productive and...
Caine’s Arcade — Life Lessons from Cardboard
Caine is an nine year old boy who builds an arcade in an auto parts store in East L.A. ...
This is a touching story that grew out of monumental tragedy. It is riddled with sadness. Why would we...
Gratitude, Criticism and Attention — “You Know What Your Problem Is?”
Ten years ago I presented at a Mindfulness and Psychology conference in La Jolla on the relationship between Gratitude,...