Disasters can bring out the best in people or the worst in people. Here in Vermont there is already a great community effort going on to rebuild homes, roads, bridges and businesses that were destroyed by the floods caused by Hurricane Irene. I recently heard that in Japan, about $78 million dollars in cash was found and returned to the people who lost it. This included $30 million dollars found in private safes that were washed away by tsunami. People can act with great integrity and compassion, even during moments of devastation. We should be inspired by such acts to overcome our own self-centered perspective and consider the needs of other people.
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Linda Anderson Krech, , Acceptance, Health, Kindness, Mental Wellness, Relationships, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Acceptance, Action, appreciation, gratitude, japan compassion, Kindness, Mental Wellness, Relationships, Taking Action, 0
We all struggle with tricky, sticky problems from time to time. Often we just play around with these problems...
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
vfsteach, , Gratitude, Holidays, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, children, gratitude, holidays, 0
The Gift That Keeps On Giving by Victoria Freeman Several years ago I conceived of the best possible Christmas...
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Rev. Graham Long, , Holidays, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, gratitude, holidays, mental health, Relationships, 0
It’s All About Grace by Rev. Graham Long, former CEO and pastor of Wayside Chapel The odd thing...
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Gregg Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
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Moving Forward
Gregg Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
Every year at this time I meet with a group of people to talk about regrouping for the second...
How Will You Spend Your Last 3,000 Days?
Gregg Krech, , Health, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, Exercise, Health, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, 0
When I give a presentation on Japanese Psychology, I often ask people to calculate how many days they have...
Dropping My Baggage
Trudy Boyle, , ToDo Institute, 0
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Linda Anderson Krech, , ToDo Institute, 0
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How do we respond to the vulnerability of others? Whether the result of a natural disaster, a family tragedy, or illness, we all have encounters with others who are in a vulnerable state from time to time. Allowing ourselves to be touched by vulnerability is so important. There will always be people to take advantage of those who are in a weakened state, but we can make a point of slowing down, softening our hearts, and extending ourselves in such situations.